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Georges ALLORO Musical instrument-maker Craft National Living Treasures 2008
Olivier COTTET Bassoon maker, Oboe-maker Craft National Living Treasures 2002
Claude DELHIEF (....-2013) Seal and cameo-engraver Craft National Living Treasures 1998
Cyril FORTIN Fortepiano and clavicorde restorer Johannes CARDA (....-....) Craft National Living Treasures former Student
Sylvie FOUANON master piano restaurer, piano-restorer Craft National Living Treasures 2019
Anne HOGUET Fan maker Craft National Living Treasures 1994
Marion LAINÉ Restauratrice de pianos, accordeur piano Sylvie FOUANON Craft National Living Treasures Student
Sylvain LE GUEN Eventailliste Craft National Living Treasures 2015
Pierre MEYER Decorative ivory-turne Craft National Living Treasures 2004
Francis MIGEON Ivory sculptor Craft National Living Treasures 1996
Etienne RAYSSAC Ornamental sculptor Craft National Living Treasures 2008
Stéphane THOMACHOT Bow maker Craft National Living Treasures 1994
Yolaine VOLTZ Eventailliste Sylvain LE GUEN Craft National Living Treasures Student