Les Maitres et Elèves par ordre alphabétique

Fan maker
Craft National Living Treasures 1994
Her father, Hervé Hoguet, was her guide and she perpetuates a family tradition born more than one century ago. Following ancestral techniques, she makes fans for operas, theatres, cinema and haute Couture (Dior, Lacroix, Nina Ricci, Torrente...)
In her workshop in Paris, near the Musée de l’éventail (the fan museum), the craftsman also restores fans for the whole country. Her workshop and her job have been often presented in articles or on TV documentaries. Anne Hoguet’s workshop is the only one in France to work on fans following the tradition, either for contemporary creation or restoration
The fan museum is located in an exhibition room created in 1893 by Lepault & Deberghe (fan makers). The most beautiful fans from the Hoguet collection are in this room. Another room presents the technique and conception of a fan frame made out of raw material (mother-of-pearl, ivory, shell, bone, wood). The workbenches and tools used for every stage of the making of a fan are on show there.
This museum, created in 1993, is the first museum of France entirely dedicated to the fan. About one thousand objects are on show there (from the 18th, 19th, 20th centuries, among which some objects for “advertising” or “illustrated” objects, and feather fans)