Les Maitres et Elèves par ordre alphabétique

Craft National Living Treasures 2002
If his creations are definitely contemporaneous, Roland Daraspe, goldsmith works with traditional beautiful technique. Artist or artisan? Both captain!
He has the gait of an artisan. Warmhearted, natural. To the contrary of certain contemporary designers, Roland Daraspe shapes himself his patterns. Starting from a simple silver leaf, in the loneliness of his den and the noise of the hammer.
Artist, Roland Daraspe has this sensibility. Each one of his creation leads off by a layout, several layout.
“ My silver pieces come from the lead pencil. The project needs to be successfully completed in my mind before stamping. That’s why I prepare many rough-shape and model.”
A strange progression for a self-taught goldsmith man.
Laurence Mouillefarine, Figaro Madame
12 octobre 1996.