Les Maitres et Elèves par ordre alphabétique

Jean-Louis HURLIN
Damascus-steel art smith
Craft National Living Treasures 2000
Coming from ancestral times, these blades are the sophisticated and pared down reflect of the art and of the research of Jean-Louis Hurlin, delicately allied to a technique : the Damask.Alchemy between steel and iron, softness and hardness, alchemy of their fusion at 1400°C, the blades are drawn and then folded back to cast them inexorably into a hundred layers to which the acid will reveal the unique and wholesome aspect.
The particularity of these blades is their hard thinness, their undulating beauty, which guarantees each time the production of a unique model. Each layer, each line encrusted in the heart of the metal, marks in the material the harmony of the fusion of ancestral traditions mixed with art and with the spirit of our time.