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Christian BONNET
Tortoiseshell artist
Craft National Living Treasures 2000
Tortoiseshell is a rare material, noble and alive, natural and sophisticated, rich in infinite reflections that go from cherry red to blonde, sometimes reaching honey tones that give it the transparency of glass.
For four generations the artisans from the Maison Bonnet custom make each piece by hand according to the ancestral techniques in the greatest respect of the natural cycle of the producing sea turtles.
Christian Bonnet, impassioned by the art of tortoiseshell received complementary education to that of his tortoiseshell spectacle-maker father by the last tabletiers before they stop without passing on their secrets. He became an inheritor of their precious gestures, stock and tools, these techniques added to the great manual skill transmitted from their ancestors allows him to intervene on the art objects and antiques that the workshop marvellously restores.
Christian Bonnet creates and fabricates famous custom-made eyeglass frames and unique, splendid objects, hair styling articles, jewellery sets and decoration. Joined, turned, sculpted, shaped, the tortoiseshell is eternal, timeless. A luxury of rarity, art and refinement.